Alternative route South Vietnam
After additional research I am looking at an another option to biking Highway 1 along the Vietnamese coast from Phan Rang all the way to Hue. I am certainly more interested in a scenic route than to cover as much kilometres as possible, and Highway 1 seems to be laud, crowded, and only momentarily scenic. It merely offers an easy, quick connection to the coast.
An alternative would be to head for the central highlands after Nha Trang. I would then spend one day less in Nha Trang, and from there bike west along Road 26 for two days until I reach Buon Ma Thuot, which is the largest city of south-central Vietnam. To be able to catch up with the original route once I reach Hue, I would have to take the bus for 190 km along Road 14 north to Pleiku. From here I would continue by bicycle, pedalling north to Kon Tum, and then turn north-east to Quang Ngai. Once back on highway 1, I would bike north to Hoi and later Hue, in line with the original plan.
See grey lines.Original route
Route map
Route detail
So extremely great tour! I envy with you so much. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks. It's easy. Just do it :) Check back in two weeks when my book is available and get inspired for your own tour!